Frequently asked questions

When can I view the apartment?

At this current time we are not showing units until we receive an online application

How much is the rent?

Rent is as stated on the listing. However there can be additional money due for utility bill back and pet rent. 

How much is the deposit?

Deposit is the same as rent unless we have a deposit special which the listing would say if we do or don’t.

How soon can I move in?

Once you are approved and have utilities, renters insurance on and active. We would schedule a time to sign the lease at which time you would have to have the deposit and rent already paid through online payment or money order.

When will I know if I am approved?

You will know when you are approved 2-3 business days, depending on how fast your employment and current/previous renter get back to me.

If I am denied, will I get my money back?

If you put down a deposit to hold the apartment before you get approve, yes you will get your deposit back if you were denied.

If you put in a deposit and have a move in date, sigh a yellow intent paper to occupy with the leasing agent stated that you will be moving in that date you have to move in that date. If the date pass and you no longer interested in the property, you forfeit the deposit. If you no longer interested in moving in before your move in date, than you are eligible to get your deposit back. For the pet deposit fee, yes, you will get it back.

If you are asking about your application fee, no you will not get your money back because it’s nonrefundable.

Do you have any rent specials?

Yes we do rent specials!!!

What does it take for me to get approved?

1) Applicants must present a photo ID and be 18 years of age or older.

2) Income must be verified. Applicants must provide their last 2 paystubs or last year W2 from their employer. For those who are self-employed, applicants must present 2 years of tax returns in order for management to verify the income.

3) The applicant must make 2.5 times the rent amount.

4) References from prior landlords must be satisfactory. Evictions, terminated leases due to lease violations or debt owed to a previous landlord will result in an automatic rejection of the application.

5) Applicants must have an acceptable credit history and show the ability to meet financial obligations.

6) Applicants cannot have a felony conviction on their record for the last 5 years.

7) If the need for a co-signer is determined, the co-signer must pass the same application qualifications.

8) Applicants must be able to obtain utilities in their own name (and keep them on).

9) Applicants must account for all persons who will be living in the apartment. No one shall be allowed to live in the apartment without the approval of management for an extra fee per the lease agreement.

How much money do I have to pay to move in?

An APPLICATION FEE is paid to apply. A SECURITY DEPOSIT is paid to hold your unit once you have been approved for your apartment. A full month RENT and the full UTILITY BILL BACK is due at move in, regardless of your move in date. If you move in after the 1st of the month, the prorated RENT and prorated UTILITY BILL BACK will be paid on the first of the following month. EXAMPLE: You rent an apartment for which the RENT is $500 a month and the UTILITY BILL BACK is $40 a month. Your lease begins on the 15th of March.

DUE AT MOVE IN: The full RENT of $500 and the full UTILITY BILL BACK of $40 is due at the lease signing on the 15th of March.

DUE THE FIRST OF THE FOLLOWING MONTH: The prorated RENT amount of $250 and the prorated UTILITY BILL BACK of $20 is due on the 1st of April.

Do you accept pets?

a. We DO accept pets in townhouses and apartment homes  

b. We DO accept pets in single family homes, duplexes, row houses, the Anderson Apartments (2243 Jones) and the Fitzgerald Apartments (16th and Cuming).

i. Limit of 3 pets.

ii. Proper documentation of pet licensing and immunization records are required prior to the animal occupying the unit.

iii. Non-refundable pet fee of 25% of the rent amount plus 10% for each additional pet.

iv. Monthly pet rent of $25 per pet each month.

c. Service animals, therapeutic animals, emotional support animals are allowed with proper documentation.

i. To qualify as a service animal, therapeutic animal or emotional support animal, you must provide a letter written by a licensed professional (?) stating your need for an emotional support dog.

ii. Proper documentation of pet licensing and immunization records are required prior to the animal occupying the unit.

iii. There is no pet fee or pet rent for service animals, therapeutic animals and emotional support animals.

What if I have a service animal, therapeutic animal or emotional support animal?

a. Service animals, therapeutic animals, emotional support animals are allowed with proper documentation.

i. To qualify as a service animal, therapeutic animal or emotional support animal, you must provide a letter written by a licensed professional (?) stating your need for an emotional support dog.

ii. Proper documentation of pet licensing and immunization records are required prior to the animal occupying the unit.

iii. There is no pet fee or pet rent for service animals, therapeutic animals and emotional support animals.

What if I owe money to a current landlord?

Any outstanding balance to a previous landlord must be paid in full and proof of payment-in-full must be presented with your application.

What is “acceptable credit”?

We consider many factors when assessing your credit. Your credit history is your financial track record that shows how you have managed credit and made payments over time. We like to see a good payment history, low amounts of debt, no collections or judgements, and no missed or late payments.

What if I don’t have credit?

We consider many factors when assessing your application. If you have no credit, this can be off-set with a good third-party landlord reference, a stable income, a low income to rent ratio, and/or extra capital such as savings, investments or other assets.

A co-signer may be an option if your application falls short of meeting the requirements. For more information on co-signers, refer to the FAQ, “Can I have a co-signer? If so, what are the requirements for a co-signer?”

What is a Utility Bill Back?

a. Depending on the property, gas and/or water/sewer are not separately metered to each apartment unit. Paladino Development Group passes on the cost of gas and/or water/sewer and trash removal to the tenants through a set amount paid in addition to the rent.

b. The Utility Bill Back is determined by dividing the building utility costs by the number of units minus an estimate for common area usage. This number is re-evaluated every year and adjusted accordingly

What if I am self-employed?

Tenant needs to present section C of previous years taxes

What are the income requirements?

We require tenant make 2.5 times the amount of rent gross.

How do I set an appointment to see an apartment?

Future tenants may apply online by visiting our website at and click the “apply now” button. All applications are $40 each. One of our leasing agents will contact them within 24-48 hours. They may also view most of our properties on our Facebook page.

What if this will be my first time renting an apartment?

If your credit is a factor maybe consider having another party on the lease. That person would need to apply as well.

What if I have a criminal record?

We accept applicants with non-violent misdemeanors. Unfortunately, we do not accept felonies within the past five years.

Can I have a co-signer? If so, what are the requirements for a co-signer?

Yes, The requirement for co-signer is the same as applicants.

What if I am unable to get utilities on in my name?

Utilities is require to be on your name or co-sign

Who has to be on the lease?

Everyone who’s 18

When is the rent due?

The first day of the month